Friday, February 18, 2011


Last Sunday I played my first ever Gamma World game.For those of you who may not know, Gamma World is the sci fi cousin of Dungeons and Dragons. The premise of the game (at least ours anyway) was that The Large Hadron Collidor messed up somehow and tore the fabric of the universe. The universe tried to right itself and managed to make up an amalgam of universes. The heroes in this universe are created by a type of mutation that turns out to be slightly useful. My character is an Electrokinetic Gravity Controller. 
Other than me there are three other players. Rae, who is a Felinoid Demon, Preston who is a Doppleganger Hawkoid, and Josh who is a Hawkoid Mind Coercer. 
My friend and the DM for the game is David Bennett. Who has turned out to be an amazingly descriptive and imaginative DM. I am looking forward to more games under his guidance, as well as maybe trying out my hand as a DM again sometime in the future? Never know do you. 
Today (friday) we played again only this time Preston had to be out of town so we found a new player (Josh) who joined in this time. Events transpired that Dave will probably put up on his own blog here, so I will not retell what he is already going to tell. Let's just say that my own character made some nice development, and I am looking forward to fleshing this character out a little more, he may be one of the most quietly manipulating characters I have ever created. While this is a slight change from what I normally do, it's going to be interesting to see what happens from here.

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